

( Iron, Protein & Vitamins Syrup)

A Health Pro supplement is FULPROVIT.
Offer Protein – A body building nutrient
Improves metabolic activities with Vitamins
Helps building Hemoglobin
Plays a vital role in growth and development
Indicated in –
Pregnancy and Lactation
Teenage growth and development
Iron deficiency anaemia
Post operative convalescence


Each hard gelatin Capsule Contains :

  • Silymarin……..140 mg
  • Vitamin B1IP…….5mg
  • Vitamin B2 IP ……..5 mg
  • Vitamin B6 IP ……..1.5mg
  • Vitamin B12 IP ……..5 mcg
  • Niacinamide IP ……..25 mg
  • Vitamin B6 IP ……..1.5mg
  • Calcium Pantothenate IP ……7.5mg

Silymarin is a flavanoid (flavonoid = a group of chemical compounds found in all plants, most notably fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and roots. Flavonoids are most commonly known for their antioxidant activity). Silymarin obtained from the seeds of `milk thistle` (Silybum marianum), and is known for its hepatoprotective action.

  • Acute and chronic viral hepatitis.
  • Toxin/drug-induced hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis( Liver Cancer)
  • Alcoholic liver diseases
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Mushroom poisoning which cause liver damage

Dosage:-1 capsule thrice a day


Content:- Each 5ml Suspension contains Silymarin 35 mg,Thiamine Hcl IP 1.5mg+Riboflavin IP 1.5mg,Pyridoxine Hcl 1.5mg+Niacinamide IP 20 mg ,D-Penthenol IP 5mg+Vitamiin B12 IP 5 mcg.

  • Acute and chronic viral hepatitis
  • Toxin/drug-induced hepatitis
  • Liver dysfunctions

Available in bottle of 100 ml


Each film coated tablet Contains Lycopene 5000mcg+Vitamin A 5000 IU+Vitamin C150 mg+Vitamin E 200 IU+Zinc sulphate 27.45 mg +Selenium dioxide 70 mcg +Vitamin B6 1 mg+Folic acid 2.5 mg+Manganese 1 mg+Copper 1 mg+ Chromium 100 mcg
Lycopene is natural pigments that act as antioxidants or the body. Antioxidants serve to lessen the effects of Free Radicals. Lycopene is also believed to play a role in the prevention of heart disease by inhibiting free radical damage to LDL cholesterol. lycopene can boost sperm concentrations in infertile men.
Vitamin A is also essential for eyes, skin and is used in the proper function of the immune system. Vitamin A also helps maintain hair, bones and teeth.

Vitamin C is essential for the functioning of the immune system and helps bind cells together and strengthens blood vessel walls.
It also maintain healthy gums and aids in the absorption of iron Zinc plays a key role in the regulation of insulin production by pancreatic tissues and glucose utilization by muscles and fat cells. The ability to synthesize and secrete insulin and use glucose is impaired in the zinc deficient state.
Folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 play key roles in recycling homocysteine into methionine. Without enough folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, this recycling process becomes inefficient and homocysteine levels increase causing damage to heart.
Selenium is involved in many functions such as an antioxidant & moderation of the immune system.
Chromium is a part of the endogenous antioxidant system. Chromium is the key to diabetes management. Chromium`s main function is increasing insulin`s efficiency in regulating blood sugar levels.
Copper has antioxidant properties and may have some anticancer effects. Copper aids the body in functions such as the healing process. It expels toxins from the body and prevents heart problems.


Content:- Lycopene 1000mcg+Vit A 2500 I.U.+ Vit E 10 I.U.+ Vit C 50mg+ Vit B1 2mg+Vit B2 3mg+ Vit B6 1.5mg+ Selenium, Zinc, Manganese, Potassium and copper As trace elements. 

  • Boosts immunity in children.
  • Stimulates T - Lymphocytes

Available in bottle of 200 ml